At Mercy Veterinary Clinic, 

our Dentistry services are dedicated to maintaining and improving your pet’s oral health. Regular dental care is crucial for preventing dental disease, which can lead to pain, infection, and even impact your pet’s overall health.

### **Dental Services We Offer:**

– **Dental Examinations:** Comprehensive oral exams to assess the condition of your pet’s teeth, gums, and overall oral health. We look for signs of plaque, tartar, gingivitis, and more serious conditions like periodontal disease.
– **Professional Teeth Cleaning:** Scaling and polishing to remove plaque and tartar buildup, both above and below the gum line. This deep cleaning helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
– **Dental X-rays:** In-depth imaging to evaluate the health of tooth roots, bone structures, and detect issues not visible during a standard examination.
– **Tooth Extractions:** Removal of damaged or diseased teeth that cannot be saved, ensuring your pet’s comfort and preventing further oral health issues.
– **Treatment of Gum Disease:** Specialized care to address gingivitis and more advanced periodontal disease, including root planing and other gum treatments.
– **Oral Surgery:** Procedures to correct oral health issues, such as the removal of tumors, repairing oral injuries, or treating oral infections.
– **Home Care Guidance:** Advice and demonstrations on how to maintain your pet’s dental health at home, including proper brushing techniques and the use of dental chews or rinses.

### **Why Pet Dental Care Matters:**

– **Prevents Pain and Discomfort:** Dental disease can be painful for pets, leading to difficulties eating and behavioral changes. Regular dental care helps avoid these issues.
– **Protects Overall Health:** Poor oral health can lead to systemic issues, including heart, kidney, and liver problems. Keeping your pet’s mouth healthy contributes to their overall well-being.
– **Improves Quality of Life:** A healthy mouth enhances your pet’s quality of life, ensuring they can eat comfortably and avoid the pain and complications of dental disease.

Our experienced veterinary team is dedicated to providing gentle and effective dental care for your pet, ensuring their mouth stays healthy and their smile bright.


If you have a pet, it’s essential to know that they can have dental problems. Your dog or cat may need a checkup from their veterinarian if they develop pain in the mouth or difficulty chewing or swallowing. Some signs of poor dental care include bad breath, gum disease, and tooth loss. Dental care for dogs and cats at home is essential to keep your pet happy and healthy.

When is it worth contacting a vet dentist?
If you notice an unpleasant smell or significant tartar on your pet, it may be time to make an appointment with a dentist. Contact the vet immediately if your pet has a dental problem, such as loose teeth or tooth decay. Also, ensure that they are eating well and sleeping well so that there won’t be any discomfort from pain during their visit at the vet’s office and afterward when they return home.

Frequent dental problems in cats and dogs

Dental care is an essential part of the overall health of your pets. Cats and dogs need regular dental exams for oral infections, broken teeth, bad breath, and other signs of oral disease. Dogs should visit the vet at least once every six months, while cats should be seen every three months or more often if symptoms suggest a problem.

Here are additional symptoms and problems that indicate the need for a dental check-up for cats and dogs:

  • Difficulty Eating or Chewing
  • Excessive Drooling
  • Pawing at the Mouth
  • Swollen or Bleeding Gums
  • Loose or Missing Teeth
  • Change in Behavior
  • Bad Breath
  • Tumors in the Gums
  • Discoloration of Teeth
  • Bleeding from the Mouth
  • Difficulty in Picking Up Food
  • Nasal Discharge and Sneezing

A veterinary dentistry specialist will check your pet’s mouth to look for any signs of infection, such as redness around their gums (gingivitis), abscesses under their tongue (pericarditis), or swelling on one side of their head (sinusitis). They may also take X-rays to determine whether there are any broken bones in their mouths; if this happens, then it’s best not just wait around hoping things will get better on their own because there could be serious consequences further down the line.

Why does dentistry require anesthesia?
Many dogs and cats are afraid of the dentist. Anesthesia helps ensure your pet doesn’t feel any pain while being treated and moving around during surgery, so they don’t think it’s scary. Anesthesia is also used because it can be challenging for a cat or dog to swallow an instrument if they’re feeling pain from the procedure or scared about what might happen next.

Why is regular veterinary dental care necessary?
There are many reasons to get your pet the attention they need. For example, if you have a senior dog or cat suffering from tooth decay and gum disease, dental care can help prevent further damage to their teeth.

Your furry friend also needs regular dental cleanings because bad breath can embarrass them and you! If you’re worried about how much time it takes to keep up with regular visits to the vet, don’t worry—we’ll work with your schedule so that these appointments don’t take up all of your time!

Pet’s dental care at home
Brushing your pet’s teeth is an essential part of their dental care. It would help if you brushed your pet’s teeth at least once a day, but it’s best to do so twice a day. If you have more than one pet and they are all the same age, you can brush them all together while they are in the same room as you.

The best way to brush your pet’s teeth is with a soft-bristled dog toothbrush or cat toothpaste (it will be different for each animal). It’s also essential that you use water when brushing!

Discover our exclusive Dental Scale & Polish packages on our Healthcare Packages page! Tailored to ensure the best oral health for your pet, these packages are a part of vetmercy comprehensive Pet Dental Care services. Keep your pet’s teeth in top condition with our expert care. Explore our range of options designed for every pet’s needs. For more details and to find the perfect package for your furry friend, visit our Healthcare Packages page now. Click here for healthy smiles: Healthcare Packages.

Visit to the veterinary dentist

A visit to a pet dental clinic for a consult with a dog dentist or cat dentist is the first step in ensuring your pet’s oral health. During the consultation, the veterinary dentist will evaluate the pet’s oral condition, identifying any issues such as tartar buildup or gum disease. Anesthesia is often necessary for procedures like pet dental cleaning to ensure the pet’s comfort and safety. However, pet owners should be aware of the risks, especially for older pets or those with underlying health conditions.

Services offered at a pet dental clinic include:

  • Conduct Oral Examinations
  • Provide Dog Teeth Cleaning
  • Offer Veterinary Dental Services
  • Perform Tooth Extractions
  • Treat Oral Diseases
  • Dental X-Rays
  • Engage in Oral Surgery
  • Provide Emergency Dental Care
  • Educate on Preventive Care
  • Restorative Dental Procedures
  • Orthodontic Solutions
  • Offer Dental Health Plans

Preventive care and owner education on pet dental health. These services, performed by skilled veterinary dental professionals, play a crucial role in maintaining your pet’s oral and overall health.


What are the causes of pet dental problems?
Pet dental problems are often caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, diet, and a lack of proper oral hygiene. Just like humans, pets can develop plaque and tartar buildup, leading to gum disease and tooth decay if not regularly addressed. A diet high in sugary treats or lacking in dental-friendly nutrients can exacerbate these issues. Regular pet dental cleanings by a professional dog dentist or veterinary specialist are essential for maintaining your pet’s oral health. These cleanings not only remove plaque and tartar but also allow for early detection and treatment of potential dental issues, ensuring the overall wellbeing of your pet.

If your pet has any signs of bad breath or an unpleasant smell coming from its mouth, make sure you take it in for checkups at least once every six months (or more often if there are other concerns).

How often should dogs have their teeth cleaned by a vet?
It depends on the age, health, and breed of your pet. If you are unsure how often to have your dog’s teeth checked, it is good to err on the side of having them checked more often than not enough. Generally speaking, most dogs under two years old should have their teeth cleaned every four months, while older breeds may require annual visits. If your dog has been eating hard foods or chewing toys made of hard plastic, such as rope or rope toys that can wear down their gums quickly, then consider having them examined at least once every six months for dental health reasons alone (and possibly even more frequently).

How much does a dog dentist cost?
The cost of a pet dental checkup depends on the type of work that needs to be done. If you have an older pet, they may need more frequent visits than younger animals do. You can also expect to pay for any services related to dog dental cleaning, such as scaling and polishing. Pet owners should schedule regular checkups at least once every six months; this allows them time for any problems with their pets’ teeth or gums before they become severe enough for surgery.